
Call us +961 81 101 011

Hazmieh - next to backyard - Lamartine bldg.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 9:00pm

Sat: 7:00am - 4:00pm | Sun: Closed


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IPS e.max is a leading-edge alternative to metal-based restorations. When esthetics cannot be compromised, e.max offers many benefits over PFM. Composing of both Lithium Disilicate and Zirconium Oxide, e.max offers supreme esthetics, versatility, and clinically-proven strength. Known for our advanced skills in crafting and delivering exquisite all-ceramic restorations, the MicroDental team brings IPS e.max from good to great with the superior fabrication of this innovative product. From the team that introduced the IPS Empress line, revolutionizing esthetics in ceramics, IPS e.max is twice the strength of Empress, using a Lithium Disilicate glass-ceramic block. With a structural strength of up to 400MPa, IPS e.max is a remarkable option for your translucency requirements.

  • Natural translucency
  • Strength
  • Wear-compatibility
  • Excellent margin adaptation
  • Biocompatibility
  • Enamel-dentin adhesive bonding system
  • Anterior: crowns, bridges and veneers
  • Posterior: crowns and inlays/onlays
  • IPS e.max is composed of a single unibody material with nothing to debond from, which is the main reason for PFM framed restoration failure. It is safe for contacts on opposing teeth, having the wear characteristics of natural teeth and without being abrasive to natural dentition. IPS e.max also has no metal cost, making it a great alternative to PFM with predictable pricing.
  • IPS e.max is not the same product as E2 (Empress 2). The microstructure of IPS e.max is different than E2. Of the IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate, 70% is the actual Lithium Disilicate crystal. E2 was only 60% Lithium Disilicate crystal, which accounts for the increased strength and full contour esthetics of IPS e.max.
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We do offer e.max anterior bridges, however they are not warrantied by the lab.